The Latin binomial that D.C.G choses to entitle Natalie Shau’s solo show, from March 14 to April 25, wants to ring out the space-time dimension belonging to a theme so dear to humankind: nature and its double. If Positive co-exists with Negative, then what is poisonous in nature can become an antidote in the sphere of science. The pleasure of the soul can be a pain for the body in the same way as the physical pleasure can be frustration for the soul. The figurative survey proposed by Dorothy Circus Gallery is questioning itself about the hard declinations that the ego gives of the own ego, going through the changeable conflicts in which the coexistence of contradictory principles develops itself. The 16 subjects suggested by Natalie Shau’s digital experimentations represent the different stages of growth in which the Being, generally female, puts itself in relation to what surrounds it, immortalized, by the artist, in gestures that reveal its candour, curiosity and discovery. But the show will deal also with the evil and the suffering that end up in self-destructive behavior, synonym and representation of pain and apparent defeat that announce the triumph of a new, clear consciousness.